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TGS Cedar Port DC 1

Hired for: Civil Engineering Site Design


North Project

Blissit Engineers, based in Houston, Texas, specializes in providing comprehensive civil engineering design services tailored to meet the unique needs of projects like the TGS Cedar Port Distribution Center No. 1. 

For the north improvements, we managed seven acres of additional truck trailer parking, utilizing solutions such as leveraging existing drainage ditches to minimize storm pipe usage. This approach not only reduced costs but also ensured efficient stormwater conveyance for the expanded trailer spaces, enhancing both sustainability and affordability.

South Project

For the south project, we designed a shared access road and an additional seven acres of concrete truck trailer yard, seamlessly integrating them into the existing infrastructure.

We employed three 4’X8’ boxes to traverse an existing detention basin, facilitating access to the proposed site.

Cedar Port Industrial Park is the largest Master Planned Rail and Barge Served Industrial Park in the U.S.  The park comprises of approximately 15,000 acres.

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